High-Performance Energy Solutions
Mishkweze (pronounced “mish-kway-zee”), meaning “power” in the Potawatomi language, embodies the strength and durability in our line of specialized piping solutions suitable for a broad spectrum of applications. Our pipe products are engineered to meet the most demanding operational requirements of the energy sector.
Pipe Applications
Mishkweze Energy Services Line Pipe is a versatile solution engineered for a variety of energy management needs, including:
• Oil & Gas Pipe
• MultiPhase Fluid Pipe
• Raw Water Pipe
• Brine Water Pipe
• Coal Bed Methane Pipe
• Landfill Methane Pipe
• Leachate Pipe

Pipe Engineered for Integrity and Safety
Constructed from PE 4710, a high-performance bimodal high-density polyethylene (HDPE), this pipe provides unmatched toughness and resistance, ensuring longevity and reliability even in the harshest environments.
Pipe Conformance to Standards
Mishkweze Energy Line Pipe complies with the highest industry standards, ensuring safety, reliability, and quality:
• ASTM F2619: Fulfills the rigorous standard specification for high-density polyethylene (PE) line pipe.
• Cell Classification: Mishkweze Energy Line Pipe holds a PE445574C classification as per ASTM D3350.
• PPI TR-4 Listing: Certified as PE4710 and meets PE3408 per D3350-02a.
• Hydrostatic Design Basis: Pipe is capable of withstanding pressures of 1,600 psi @ 73°F (23°C) and 1,000 psi @ 140°F as per ASTM D2837.
• Color & UV Protection: Composed of black material with a minimum of 2% carbon black as per ASTM D3350 for increased durability and UV stability.
• Heat Fusion Joining: We follow ASTM F2620 and PPI TR-33/TR-41 guidelines to ensure reliable joint fusion and installations.
• Installation Guidelines: For optimal results, follow the guidance of the PPI PE Pipe Handbook, 2nd edition.
• Leak Pipe Testing Protocols: Conducted in accordance with ASTM F2164 to ensure integrity and safety across all operational conditions.

Pipe Technical Data
• Pressure Rating (PR): These depend on temperature, environmental, and chemical considerations that may require additional service factors. The listed pressure ratings are based on PE 4710 materials with 1,000 psi HDS in a water environment at 73°F.
• Additional Guidance: See PPI TR-9 (Recommended Design Factors for Thermoplastic Pipe) and PPI PE Handbook, Chapter 6 (Design of PE Piping Systems).
• Federal Design: Maximum design temperature is 140°F.
*Note that nominal values are typical results and are not guaranteed or intended
to be used as product specifications or engineering values.
Trust Mishkweze for Your Energy Pipe Needs
At Sovereign Pipe Technologies, we understand the critical nature of our pipe products in your operations. We ensure our line pipe meets and exceeds federal design requirements for regulated piping systems, offering you a reliable and secure solution optimized for your specific needs.